PMBA follows Baseball Alberta guidelines for inclement weather.
Air Quality Policy
Air Quality Policy and Guidelines for Baseball Activities for Baseball Alberta
This policy aims to ensure the safety and well-being of participants involved in baseball
activities (games and practices) in Alberta by providing guidelines on when it is safe to
play or practice outdoors based on air quality conditions, with a focus on the Air Quality
Health Index (AQHI).
1. Important Information and Background:
a. Regularly monitor local air quality indices (AQI), including the Air Quality Health
Index (AQHI), provided by the Alberta Government the Air Quality Index can be
found here: Or use the AQHI
Canada app for more specific stations. Air quality can be variable within a
localized region like the greater Edmonton area even though stations such as
Edmonton and St. Albert are in proximity to each other. Use the index value that
is within one hour of the scheduled start time for the game or activity. In addition
to the AQHI, be aware of weather and other conditions. Conditions such as
forest fires located some distance away, local burning of agricultural stubble, and
sudden changes in wind direction and strength can all affect local air quality. The
AQHI is calculated differently for Alberta in two significant ways. First, in the rest
of Canada, the AQHI only measures ground-level ozone, fine particulate matter
(PM2.5) and nitrogen dioxide. In addition to these three pollutants, Alberta is
more comprehensive by also including sulphur dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, total
reduced sulphur and carbon monoxide in its AQHI reporting. Second, for the rest
of Canada the AQHI is calculated on a 3-hour rolling average and so is less
responsive to dramatic changes in air quality. It is for these reasons that the
Alberta AQHI website is the best source of AQHI index values.
b. Hand-held monitoring devices are permitted for use by host associations. This
policy recognizes the importance of empowering host associations and
communities which are not serviced well by the Alberta Environment website.
The handheld device must contribute to global measurement mapping, the use
of handheld air quality monitoring devices, such as those compatible with
platforms like is permitted. Communication with the
visiting association and officials regarding this is paramount. These maps must
be able to display the Canadian AQHI index.
c. Air quality impacts individuals differently. This document will use the term ‘at risk athletes’ to describe individuals most likely to experience health impacts
related to poor air quality. An individual with a history of respiratory or
cardiovascular conditions, young children, and the elderly may be considered
To determine if an individual is in the at-risk population, see Environment
Canada’s website at
It is strongly recommended that the parents/guardians of at-risk athletes
communicate this information to their child’s coaches to ensure their health is
closely monitored in times of poor air quality. The parents/guardians of at-risk
athletes should make decisions related to their child’s participation in baseball
activities, based on their child’s own personal health circumstances. Please
ensure the AQHI index is at 6 and above precautions are taken and individuals
are monitored. The intensity of physical activity and related exertion levels are factors when
determining what actions to take in response to poor air quality. Baseball is
generally considered a low-intensity sport and may make different adaptations in
times of poor air quality, when compared to higher-intensity sports, such as
soccer and lacrosse. However, participation should be limited regarding certain
positions on the baseball field, such as pitcher and catcher during high-risk
exposure. Athletes should be continually monitored.
2. Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) Categories:
a. Low Risk (1-3): Air quality is considered good, and outdoor activities can
proceed as scheduled.
b. Moderate Risk (4-6): Moderate air quality; activities can continue, but individuals
with respiratory conditions should take precautions.
c. High Risk (7-9): Play is permissible with caution and modified activities.
Unhealthy for sensitive individuals and groups; consider rescheduling or
modifying outdoor activities. Baseball activities should be carefully evaluated, and organizers should consider shortening warm-up and practice times, modifying activities, or moving indoors, especially for individuals with respiratory or cardiovascular conditions. At-risk individuals, including those with respiratory or cardiovascular conditions, should not participate in outdoor baseball activities during High-Risk conditions.
d. Very High Risk (10+): Play is not permissible for a Baseball Alberta Event.
Very unhealthy; outdoor activities are to be rescheduled if possible, and
individuals with health concerns should avoid prolonged exertion.
3. Decision-Making Process:
a. Air quality can vary throughout the province, and the responsibility for
enacting the recommended adaptations described in section 2 is the
responsibility of the local association, host team, or tournament
b. The host team must communicate with the umpire to understand if they
are comfortable during periods of high risk. The umpire must
communicate with the local association, host team, or tournament
committee if they are at risk of not being able to attend with the HighRisk category (7-9).
c. The local association needs to abide by the field user agreements of
the municipal policy if it exists.
d. At provincial championships, the onsite tournament committee will
have the primary responsibility for making decisions and
recommendations related to air quality.
4. Communication:
a. The local association and host team must establish clear
communication involving officials, participants, coaches, parents, and
families about AQHI-related decisions.
b. Encourage parents and families, especially those with athletes with
medical considerations, to be vigilant and make decisions for
themselves if they believe additional precautions or modifications are
5. Review and Update:
a. Regularly review and update the air quality policy based on feedback,
changing environmental conditions, and evolving guidelines from health
The safety of players, coaches, umpires, volunteers, and spectators is the primary concern in any weather
event that occurs during games sanctioned by Baseball Alberta.
By understanding and following the below information provided and endorsed by Environment Canada
and/or Alberta Environment, the safety of everyone shall be greatly increased. During Baseball Alberta
league play, the host / home team and the umpire in chief have specific responsibilities as outlined in the
Official Rules of Baseball in deciding to delay or restart a game due to weather related factors. At
Baseball Alberta Provincial Championship events, the umpire in chief and the Baseball Alberta
Tournament Director, if applicable, have the final decision over delaying or restarting a game due to
weather related factors. Umpires and Baseball Alberta Tournament Directors are expected to act
responsibly when dealing with such events during games they are controlling.
This policy applies to all games sanctioned by Baseball Alberta including, league games, exhibition
games, and Provincial Championship games.
When thunder roars, go indoors.
You can determine the approximate distance of lightning from your area by counting the number of
seconds between the flash and the first sound of the thunder and dividing by three (3). This will give you
the distance in kilometers from your location.
The problem lies in that people need to be in a safe location (not a dugout!) before the count reaches 30.
For instance if one counts 35 seconds, people should be finding a safe location to shelter in.
Additional Information
Please note the following recommendations from Environment Canada:
The existence of blue sky and absence of rain are not protection from lightning. Lightning can and does
strike as far as fifteen (15) kilometers away from the rain shaft. It does not have to be raining for lightning
to strike. Many lightning casualties occur in the beginning, as the storm approaches, because many
people ignore initial precursors of high winds, some rainfall and cloud cover, or after the system moves
past. The risk of being struck by lightning may persist for more than thirty (30) minutes so shelter in
place until 30 minutes after the last rumble of thunder.
Lightning can strike ahead or behind the parent cloud – take action even if the thunderstorm is not
Be aware of how close lightning is occurring. The flash-to-bang method is the easiest and most
convenient way to estimate how far away lightning is occurring. Thunder always accompanies lightning,
even though its audible range can be diminished due to background noise in the immediate environment
and its distance from the observer.
Lightning awareness should be increased with the first flash of lightning or the first clap of thunder, no
matter how far away. This activity must be treated as a wake-up call to all. The most important aspect to
monitor is how far away the lightning is occurring, and how fast the storm is approaching, relative to the
distance of a safe shelter for everyone.
Recognize that personal observation of lightning may not be sufficient. Additional weather information
may be required to ensure consistency, accuracy and adequate advance warning. There is a Canadian Lightning Danger Map available at that can help identify where recent lightning has struck.
When larger groups are involved, the time needed to properly evacuate an area increases. As time
requirements change, the distance at which lightning is noted and considered a threat to move into the area must be increased. Extending the range used to determine threat potential also increases the chance that a localized cell or thunderstorm may not reach the area giving the impression of a “false alarm”.
Know where the closest “safe structure or location” is to the field or playing area and know how long it takes to get to that safe structure or location.
Safe structure or location is defined as: Any building normally occupied or frequently used by people, i.e., a building with plumbing and / or electrical wiring that acts to electrically ground the structure. Avoid using the showers or plumbing facilities during a thunderstorm.
In the absence of a sturdy, frequently inhabited building, any vehicle with a hard metal roof (not a
convertible or golf cart) and rolled-up windows can provide a measure of safety. A vehicle is certainly better than remaining outdoors. It is not the rubber tires that make a vehicle a safe shelter, but the hard metal roof which dissipates the lightning strike around the vehicle. Do not touch the sides of any vehicle!
Avoid using the telephone, except in emergency situations. People have been struck by lightning while using a land-line telephone. A cellular phone or a portable remote phone is a safe alternative to land-line phones, if the person and the antenna are located within a safe structure or location, and if all other precautions are followed.
When considering resumption of any athletics activity, it is recommended that everyone should ideally wait at least thirty (30) minutes after the last sound of thunder before returning to the field.
People who have been struck by lightning do not carry an electrical charge. Therefore, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is safe for the responder. If possible, an injured person should be moved to a safer location before starting CPR. Lightning-strike victims who show signs of cardiac or respiratory arrest need emergency help quickly. Prompt, aggressive CPR has been highly effective for the survival of victims of lightning strikes.
Heat Guidelines
To clearly articulate the practical, and standardized, steps to create a safe and enjoyable
participation in games of Baseball during days of elevated temperature.
Elevated Temperature Specifically relates to any practice or game that is played with a Humidex above 30.
Heat Exhaustion Participants, who collapse after exercise, are likely suffering from a post-exercise drop in blood pressure (postural hypotension) but, some may in fact have heat stroke.
Heat Stroke Those who show signs of altered mental function, loss of consciousness or collapse during exercise are likely suffering heat stroke. Sports participants showing signs of confusion, loss of skill, loss of coordination or irrational behaviour should be stopped and removed from the field immediately. Heat Index Is an index that takes account of both air temperature and relative humidity (RH) to determine the ‘human-perceived’ equivalent temperature – e.g. ‘how hot it feels’.
Heat illness can occur anytime a participant exercises vigorously in hot conditions. It may also occur with prolonged exposure to hot weather, even if the activity is low intensity.
Heat illness in sport usually presents as either ‘Heat Exhaustion’ (sometimes referred to as heat stress) or, ‘Heat Stroke’. Heat exhaustion is the more common sports-related heat illness. Heat stroke is rare, but it is a life threatening condition. The human body normally cools itself by perspiration. Heat is removed from the body by the evaporation of that perspiration. However, relative humidity reduces the evaporation rate because the higher vapor content of the surrounding air does not allow the maximum amount of evaporation from the body to occur.
While all participants in a game of baseball can be subject to Heat Illness, umpires are generally at a greater risk due to the added protection that they wear and also that they generally have less respite from direct sunlight, given that they do not get to spend time ‘on the bench’ while the other team is ‘at bat’.
Teams should provide consideration to allow the umpire some respite from the heat between innings.
With respect to all Baseball Alberta sanctioned games, an ‘accredited’ umpire is the official representative of Baseball Alberta for all matters pertaining to the conduct of that game. This responsibility extends to ensuring, in a reasonably practical manner, the safety of all participants in that game.
This Policy is a ‘procedural guide’ for umpires to assist teams and associations in implementing
appropriate (fair, reasonable and practical) risk mitigation strategies on days of elevated temperature.
When Competing In the Heat
With baseball being an outdoor sport there is no escaping the environmental conditions. If it is hot and/or humid a nutrition & hydration strategy and a plan to maintain body temperature should be part of your pregame preparation. If you do not have a plan in place you may suffer the associated side effects of heat illness. The information provided below offers valuable information on how to maintain performance while remaining healthy in hot & humid conditions.
Tolerance to heat will differ from person to person. For this reason, each player must be aware of their reaction to these conditions. Some common signs and symptoms of heat illness include: Headache, weakness, dizziness, fatigue, muscle cramps, gastrointestinal distress, nausea, vomiting, excessive sweating, confusion, blurred vision, increased heart rate, low blood pressure, seizures, and unconsciousness.
In hot & humid conditions fluid and electrolyte replacement is key in limiting dehydration and its side effects. To limit the effects of heat & humidity consider:
1. Planning your day to ensure you have optimal nutrition & hydration for the day.
2. Additional electrolytes and fluids with your pre-event meal.
3. Additional fuel to accommodate for added energy expenditure (~30-60 g carbs/hr). Having an
effective hydration schedule during training or games (~6 ml/kg every 2-3 hours).
Go to:
Specify your location or closest reporting station.
Check the current temperatures with specific focus on the “feels like” temperature which
accounts for the humidity in measuring temperature.
Use the Temperature and Humidity readings to reference the chart below.
It is the responsibility of the respective associations and/or their coaches to moni
The safety of players, coaches, umpires, volunteers, and spectators is the primary concern in
any weather event that occurs during games sanctioned by Baseball Alberta.
By understanding and following the below information provided and endorsed by
Environment Canada and/or Alberta Environment, the safety of everyone shall be greatly
increased. During Baseball Alberta league play, the host / home team and the umpire in chief
have specific responsibilities as outlined in the Official Rules of Baseball in deciding to delay or
restart a game due to weather related factors. At Baseball Alberta Provincial Championship
events, the umpire in chief and the Baseball Alberta Tournament Director, if applicable, have
the final decision over delaying or restarting a game due to weather related factors. Umpires
and Baseball Alberta Tournament Directors are expected to act responsibly when dealing with
such events during games they are controlling.
This policy applies to all games sanctioned by Baseball Alberta including, league games,
exhibition games, and Provincial Championship games.
When thunder roars, go indoors.
You can determine the approximate distance of lightning from your area by counting the
number of seconds between the flash and the first sound of the thunder and dividing by three
(3). This will give you the distance in kilometers from your location.
The problem lies in that people need to be in a safe location (not a dugout!) before the count
reaches 30. For instance if one counts 35 seconds, people should be finding a safe location to
shelter in.
Additional Information
Please note the following recommendations from Environment Canada:
The existence of blue sky and absence of rain are not protection from lightning. Lightning can
and does strike as far as fifteen (15) kilometers away from the rain shaft. It does not have to be
raining for lightning to strike. Many lightning casualties occur in the beginning, as the storm approaches, because many people ignore initial precursors of high winds, some rainfall and
cloud cover, or after the system moves past. The risk of being struck by lightning may persist
for more than thirty (30) minutes so shelter in place until 30 minutes after the last rumble of
Lightning can strike ahead or behind the parent cloud – take action even if the thunderstorm is
not overhead.
Be aware of how close lightning is occurring. The flash-to-bang method is the easiest and most
convenient way to estimate how far away lightning is occurring. Thunder always accompanies
lightning, even though its audible range can be diminished due to background noise in the
immediate environment and its distance from the observer.
Lightning awareness should be increased with the first flash of lightning or the first clap of
thunder, no matter how far away. This activity must be treated as a wake-up call to all. The
most important aspect to monitor is how far away the lightning is occurring, and how fast the
storm is approaching, relative to the distance of a safe shelter for everyone.
Recognize that personal observation of lightning may not be sufficient. Additional weather
information may be required to ensure consistency, accuracy and adequate advance warning.
There is a Canadian Lightning Danger Map available at that can help identify where recent lightning has
When larger groups are involved, the time needed to properly evacuate an area increases. As
time requirements change, the distance at which lightning is noted and considered a threat to
move into the area must be increased. Extending the range used to determine threat potential
also increases the chance that a localized cell or thunderstorm may not reach the area giving the
impression of a “false alarm”.
Know where the closest “safe structure or location” is to the field or playing area and know
how long it takes to get to that safe structure or location.
Safe structure or location is defined as:
Any building normally occupied or frequently used by people, i.e., a building with plumbing
and / or electrical wiring that acts to electrically ground the structure. Avoid using the showers
or plumbing facilities during a thunderstorm.
In the absence of a sturdy, frequently inhabited building, any vehicle with a hard metal roof
(not a convertible or golf cart) and rolled-up windows can provide a measure of safety. A
vehicle is certainly better than remaining outdoors. It is not the rubber tires that make a vehicle
a safe shelter, but the hard metal roof which dissipates the lightning strike around the vehicle.
Do not touch the sides of any vehicle!
Avoid using the telephone, except in emergency situations. People have been struck by
lightning while using a land-line telephone. A cellular phone or a portable remote phone is a
safe alternative to land-line phones, if the person and the antenna are located within a safe
structure or location, and if all other precautions are followed.
When considering resumption of any athletics activity, it is recommended that everyone should
ideally wait at least thirty (30) minutes after the last sound of thunder before returning to the
People who have been struck by lightning do not carry an electrical charge. Therefore,
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is safe for the responder. If possible, an injured person
should be moved to a safer location before starting CPR. Lightning-strike victims who show
signs of cardiac or respiratory arrest need emergency help quickly. Prompt, aggressive CPR has
been highly effective for the survival of victims of lightning strikes.
For additional information, the following websites are helpful:
Canadian Lightning Danger Map:
Lightning safety for soccer video:
Lightning safety for large outdoors venue:
Lightning in Canada:
For additional information, the following websites are helpful:
Environment Canada Air Quality:
Alberta Environment AQHI:
Air Health:
Alberta Air Quality Advisory Site: