Umpires are always required, it is a great way to enjoy a game you love and earn some money! Umpires are assigned games based on their experience and comfort level, and we are building up our mentorship program to support and assist newer umpires. Clinics are offered to build knowledge and confidence.
Clinic details will be posted below as details are confirmed.
Saturday, March 22, 2025
Parkland Village School
28 Parkland Gate Road, Spruce Grove
Sunday, March 23, 2025
Parkland Village School
28 Parkland Gate Road, Spruce Grove
To register for these clinics, go to the Baseball Alberta website here: https://www.baseballalberta.com/en/page/umpires/nucp_clinics.html
Baseball Alberta follows the National Umpire Certification Program (NUCP). Level 1 is a two year program for first and second year umpires. Level 2 is for umpires going into their third year of umpiring. More information can be found at https://www.baseballalberta.com/en/page/umpires_about/about_the_nucp.html.
More information on these clinics will be emailed out shortly. Additionally, there will be clinics held in other communities in the area if you are interested but unable to attend clinics within PMBA. A list of these clinics can be found at https://www.baseballalberta.com/en/page/umpires/nucp_clinics.html.
If you are interested in umpiring, but have questions or require additional information, please reach out to umpire-in-chiefdirector@parklandminorball.com. If you would like to participate in an umpire clinic, registration can be done at https://page.spordle.com/baseball-alberta/clinics.
Umpires are one of the key supports required for youth to have to full experience of playing baseball within PMBA. I would encourage any PMBA athlete, sibling, parent, relative or friend to consider joining our umpiring ranks. Umpires are paid based on the age level they are officiating and schedules can be completely flexible.
PMBA is in need of Softball Umpires, anyone interested is emcourgaed to contact the Umpire Director.
Additional information about Softball umpires can be found on Battle River Umpire Page - Battle River Umpires
Softball Umpire clinics are available - Softball Umpire Clinics
Umpire Director