Parkland Minor Ball Scholarship Award

Parkland Minor Ball Scholarship is awarded for an athlete in a minimum of their second year of studies who has progressed through Parkland Minor Ball's program and demonstrated leadership, athletic ability, good sportsmanship, community service, and dedication in the sport of baseball.


All scholarship applications should be received no later than November 15th of the current year.


$1000 in scholarships is available.  In the case the more than one candidate is qualified, PMBA reserves the right to divide the award between recipients.


All application submissions must be sent via email to the President of Parkland Minor Ball at

Submissions should include all of the following information:

  • Academic achievement
  • Parkland Minor Ball involvement
  • Volunteer/Community involvement
  • Personal letter as to why you should be considered for a scholarship


Selection Process:

  • All applications will be sent to a designated board member (President).  This board member will do the presentation of the applications, but not have a vote or final say in the decisions.
  • The designated board member will redact all personal identifiers from the applications to ensure that anonymity is kept and voting members will not be biased based on personal player knowledge.
  • All board members are eligible to vote.
  • In the event of a tied vote or if the board cannot come to an agreement on the selection of the recipients, an outside party will be brought in to review and assist in the decision-making process.