Fall Ball is complete for the 2024 season. Registration for the 2025 season will open in July/August 2025.
***Coaches are needed in order to run this program. If we are unable to find a coach for a level, we will not be able to field a team at that level.***
If you are interested in coaching a fall ball team, please contact our fall ball coordinator at fallballcoordinator@parklandminorball.com
Fall ball provides an opportunity to extend the baseball season for athletes that are looking for further development and be exposed to the age division that they will be moving into next season. Teams are a mixture of rec and rep players and some travel around central Alberta may be involved as well as one or two host Saturdays.
The commitment involves 2 practices per week with 2 games (doubleheader) played on Saturdays. The season runs four Saturdays in September.
Dates of Play: TBA
The Baseball Alberta Fall Ball League is strictly developmental and therefore no scores will be submitted, standings will not be kept and teams are not required to submit Game Summaries or Pitch Counts to Baseball Alberta however coaches are expected to adhere to the League Play Pitch Count charts for their age category.
Game play rules will be the AA Round One rules of play found in the Baseball Alberta Rulebook for each age category: Baseball Alberta 2023 Rulebook
The registration fee for the fall season will be $100. Registration will run from July 7-August 7th or earlier if all spots are filled.
If registration is showing as full, please email the registrar and your child can be added to our wait list. parklandminorball@gmail.com
11U = 2014/2015/2016 birth years (15 spots available)
13U = 2012/2013 birth years (15 spots available)
15U = 2010/2011 birth years (15 spots available)
18U = 2007/2008/2009 birth years (15 spots available)
Fall Ball Coordinator