Bat Regulations

Please refer to page 7 of the 2024 Baseball Alberta Handbook here:

Where non-wood bats are permitted, only approved BBCOR stamped non-wood bats in the 18U and above categories will be permitted for use.


Maximum Differential Maximum Diameter Maximum Length




11U -10 2 3/4" 32"
13U -10 2 3/4" 34"
15U  -5 2 3/4" 34"
15U AAA* N/A 2 5/8" 34"
*wood or wood composite only
AA/AAA/BAEL* N/A 2 5/8 35"
*AAA/BAEL is wood or wood composite only
Women -5 2 3/4 35"


■ For 13U, 16U Girls, Junior Women and Senior Women National Championships, a max barrel of 2 3/4” with (i) a 1.15
BPF (Bat Performance Factor) or (ii) USA Baseball Model with BBCOR “wood like” BPF is permitted. For the 13U
National Championships using up to a minus 10 length/weight differential is permitted. For 16U Girls, Junior Women
and Senior Women National Championships using up to a minus 5 length/weight differential is permitted.
■ USSSA 1.15 and USABB bats will be both approved for play under Baseball Canada rules for the 11U and under
categories. This allows for all previous & current 2 1/4”, 2 5/8” and 2 3/4” USSSA 1.15 certified bats to be used.
■ All Post Provincial Championships (Western Canada Championships and Baseball Canada National Championships)
for categories 15U ‘AAA’ and above are wood or wood composite bat only Championships.
■ The 17U Canada Cup Championship is a wood bat only championship.
■ 15U and 18U Girls are eligible to use up to a -5 bat with a barrel no more than 2 3/4” diameter. Girls using bats that are
NOT -3 must have them clearly marked (colored tape around handle). Umpires must be notified of this bat prior to the

ERRBL Bat Rules:

See page 5 of ERRBL rule book:


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PO Box 3391

Spruce Grove AB



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