Parent Code of Conduct

As a Parent of PMBA, I agree to the following Codes of Conduct

  1. I will be a positive role model for my child by encouraging sportsmanship, respect and courtesy for all players, coaches, umpires and spectators of the game. This mode of character will be consistent at every game, practice or team event. I agree to not use abusive language or actions that constitute disrespectful, aggressive, or threatening behaviour.
  2. I agree that all coaching during the game will come from the registered and accredited coaches on the field and not by parents, guardians, or guests in attendance. I will respect the qualifications of the umpires in charge to call the game as they see it. Questions MUST be addressed to the manager or level coordinator, who would then direct that question to the coaching staff
  3. I will remember that every player on the team is a valuable part of the team and must be treated as such. Encouragement, support and congratulations will be equally spread to all players on the team. Before, during or after... win or lose, I will represent our association with dignity by applauding and congratulating the effort of both teams.
  1. I will encourage my child to demonstrate his/her best effort during both practice and games. The philosophy of applauding proper "process over outcome” will be supported throughout the season
  2. I will tactfully address concerns with team managers/coaches in a respectable and private one to one environment. I will not argue with a coach in public, or marginalize the good intentions of a volunteer coach
  3. I will volunteer my time when required to the same team, managers and association that is providing my son/daughter with the opportunity to play baseball. The majority involved with PMBA are unpaid volunteers and deserve the respect that comes with donating their personal time
  4. I will with good intention and due diligence attempt to be on time to all events. I will try and arrange for alternate transportation if my child is unable to attend a practice/game due to prior commitments. My communication with coaches regarding attendance will be clear and quick as to allow the coach to properly manage the practice or roster in preparation for a game
  5. I will emphasize to my child that good athletes strive to be good teammates, coachable players and for safety reasons need to ensure they are both physically and mentally alert at all times
  6. I will remember why players play the game, as it is FUN, and the game is for the players, not the parents
  7. I will respect PMBA's "No Tolerance Policy" which implies that "those who have chosen to register with PMBA have an obligation to abide by the rules and regulations of the Association, if they wish to remain.

I acknowledge I have read and will comply with the PMBA Code of Conduct for Parents


PRINTABLE PDF: PMBA Parent Code of Conduct