9U Baseball

Evaluation Information

9U evaluations will take place on Saturday, April 12 at the Trileisure Centre, north field.  Please ensure your athlete arrives 15 minutes before their start time to check in. Athletes will need their helmet, glove, indoor shoes, protective cup and water bottle.


Specific times for athletes will be sent out prior to evaluations.  Please check your spam folder for emails from Teamsnap.


For any questions, please contact Bill at 9Ucoordinator@parklandminorball.com



General Information

The 9U - Rookie Ball program is designed to promote physical development of children through the game of baseball. The program helps develop physical literacy by using a modified game to teach the basic baseball skills to children and ensure success. The program is designed for children ages eight and nine.

9U players are born in 2016 & 2017.

Cost per player is $235.00 paid online at www.parklandminorball.ca.

Season typically runs from the first week of May thru the last week of June, weather permitting.

Days of Play

Game nights  are Monday/Wednesday nights with weekend practices .   Game times start @ 6:30pm (players to be at the diamond at least 1/2 hr prior to game)

Practice dates will be determined by the coach at a later date.  Both fields and batting cages can be used for practices.

Items Required

  • Helmet (PMBA has put in place a policy that requires each player to have his/her own ball helmet.  PMBA has put this helmet policy in place for reasons such as personal safety, hygiene etc.
  • Baseball Glove
  • Athletic Support Cup (Jack/Jill)
  • Water Bottle
  • White Baseball Pants - PMBA offering for purchase - available at Uniform Pickup

Uniform/Equipment Pickup

Uniform Pickup date will be in April. There will be specific times and nights designated for each team, please watch your email for these times.

All jerseys must be washed and returned to the association at the end of the season.


Individual and Team pictures will be the 2nd and 3rd week of May, there will be specific times designated for each team, please watch your email for these times.

For 9U specific rules and information, please refer to page 20 of the coaches manual (link below)

9U Coordinator
